To the careful reader, the Bible is the inexhaustible arsenal of truth and power.
As we prayerfully read the sacred thruths on every page of the Bible, we can not help but exclaim as written in Roman 11:33 :
2.“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!. How unsearchable are His judgments and His paths beyond tracing out!. (KJV: His ways past finding out!).
3. It is prayerful reverence that I have chosen the Bible, its origin, its central theme, and its value to mankind, as my subject at this time.
During the first twenty-two centuries of human history, the knowledge of God was transmitted orally by the heads of God-fearing families, but when sin made the memory of men untrustworthy, the Lord chose the written word to preserve truth, and that is the way we got our Bible.
The word Bible comes from the Greek word “biblia” meaning books.
The Bible is made up of sixty-six books, thirty nine in the O.T, twenty seven in the N.T.
It was written by kings, priest, prophet, physicians, shepherds, and humble fishermen, during about sixteen hundred years.
God, the great Architect of the universe, claim to be the Author of the Bible. Thus we read in Hosea 8:12 “I have written for him the great things of My law”.
In Isaiah 34:16 we read: “Search from the book of the Lord, and read:
Not one of these shall fail; Not one shall lack her mate. For my mouth has commanded it, and His spirit has gathered them”.
Paul, one of the writers of the Bible assures us in 2 Timothy 3:16, that : “All scripture is given by inspiration of God,…
In 2 Peter 1:21 –“for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy spirit”.
How could it be otherwise?.
Think of the instruments God used to write His word. They came from all walks of life. Yet, they have the same message and their writings form a complete unit.
Sinful, mortal men have sought by all devise to tear the books of the Bible apart.
Have they succeded?. They have failed miserably! The Bible still stands as a unit—and why?. Because God is its Author!.
The Bible contains proof in itself that God is its Author. I shall mention but a few irrefutable examples in support of my position.
1. Its fulfilled predictions put the stamp of divinity upon its pages.
Read Isaiah 53:1-12...If we read these verses, it is mention about the experiences of our Saviour on Calvary and we will be overwhelmed by the fact that Isaiah relates the experience of the cross, speaking of it as in the past, although it actually took place about 800 years after Isaiah wrote about it.
Who, but God, could give us a detailed description of the death of His son 800 years before the time!.
Therefore, many other Bible predictions made centuries before they actually happened. Bible prophecy is, in thruth, the seal of divine inspiration of the Book of Books.
2. The story of Creation as found in the first two chapters in the Bible has been assailed by the enemies of the Holy Scriptures over and over.
Many volumes have been written to disprove the Bible story. Have they succeded?. Never!.
Many scientists have come to the conclusion that the Bible story is unassailable. It is incomparable in simplicity
and truth, and the more one studies the first two chapters in Genesis, the more that report of creation becomes divine—which in truth it is.
3.Think of the Bible story of the flood.
Many so called scientists made sport of that Bible record until excavations convinced the skeptics and modern science made contact with the earth’s stored oil and gases. The geologist and the mineralogist have become the defenders of the Bible, and assertions by so-called scientists opposing the Bible have backfired and made fools out of the enemies of God’s word.
3. Finally, think of the moral character of the Bible—its moral sublimity is irrefutable proof of its divinity.
Read the Ten commandments. Ex.20:1-17. Meditate on the golden rule as found in Matthew 7:12 : “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Who, but God, can demand such high ideals!. Read Philippians 4:8 and think of the standard the gospel set before the believers. Who can match it?.
Surely the Bible is God’s Book, revealing His love, wisdom, and power!.
Jesus Christ, our blessed Saviour, is the great and central theme of the Bible. It speaks of Him as the Workmaster of creation.
My dear friend, do you read your Bible to discover the Christ of the Bible?. Since Christ is the central theme of the Bible, the written word is the gospel of Jesus Christ and, unless we know the Bible, we shall not have the true concept of the plan of redemption.
Friends, you make the Word of God your daily source of information to know and do God’s will?. Or is your vision dimmed by the tradition of men? In all the 66 books of the Bible, God says in Matthew 17:5 …”This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!”.
Unless we see Christ when reading our Bible, we fail to get the true meaning of God’s word.
As an educating power, the Bible has no equal. Nothing else so broadens the vision, strengthens the mind, elevates the thoughts, and ennobles the affections as does the Bible.
The customs of men change, yet the Bible meets the requirements of every ages, race and clime. Nothing can satisfy the needs of the soul as does the Bible. In it we find help for every need---in sickness, in sorrow, in trial.
Without the Bible the world would perish in hopeless darkness.(2 Peter 1:19; Isa 60:1-3.)
Brethren,…What the Bible mean to you?. Do you let dust gather on its covers?. Do you make it your daily counselor?. How much time do you devote to God’s Book?. Do not say: “I am too preoccupied with my daily duties to spend much time with the Bible.”
Think prayerfully. What the Bible mean to you?. How does it affect your thoughts, words, and actions.
Will you be in the kingdom because the Bible was your guide?. Surely, these are not idle questions, and we shall do well if we can answer them in affirmative, because we have studied our Bibles.
In conclusion, I want to give a few simple rules for reading the Bible with spiritual benefit:
1. Open your Bible with the prayer found in Psalms 119:18 “Open my eyes, that I may see Wandrous things from your Law”.
The Scriptures are spiritual and one needs spiritual eyes to see the glorious truths in God’s word. Too often we approach the Bible with unsanctified minds and fail to hear God speaking to us. Too many of us read the Bible in the light of church creeds, and we seek to fit the word of God into our way of reasoning, and thus confusion results.
2. Approach the Bible with reverence and awe, as we find it in Psalms 119:161, “Princes persecute me without a cause, But my heart stands in awe of Your word.” Let none of us be guilty of irreverence toward the holy Sriptures.
3. Read the context carefully, for that is the only way you can get the true meaning of the Scriptures!
4. Compare Scripture wit Scripture, for in so doing you will find that one text will illuminate the other.
5. Read your Bible to benefit your own soul. In Matthew 4:4 Jesus says: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”.
Too many professed Christians feed on the husks produced by the human mind. How damnable is the filthy literature on which many feed!.
What can be the outcome of such a life!.
Crimes of all description are committed by modern youth simply because they feed on the poisonous weeds of ungodly authors.
6. Concentrate while you read the Word and do not let your mind wander. God’s word says in Psalms 119:15 “I will meditate on Your precepts, And contemplate Your ways”.
7. Read your Bible when your mind is rested, preferably in the morning. When the daily burdens and the cares of life press heavily, our minds become tired, and we have difficulty in retaining hat we read.
8. Live up to the light you get from God’s word.
God’s word says in :
James 1:22 “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves”.
My friends, I have set before you a few reasons why I believe that the Bible is God’s Book, and why it will meet every need of every believing soul.
I have shown that when we prayerfully follow God’s word, it will become life and strength to us.
Will you not resolve to study the Bible regularly and with an open mind?.
Why not say as the Psalmist did , in Psalm 119:105
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”.
May God’s word be to each of us all God intended it to be, is my humble prayer.
Number 6:24
“The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.
2 Kor 13:14” May the grace of the Lord Jesu Christ;
and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the H.S.
be with you all.”
Key Text : Ps.119:105.
Bible Reading : Isa 53:1-5.
Songs : L.S. 146; 135.